Academic website of Dr. Juha Halme


I’m a Finnish social scientist currently employed at the Karelian Institute of the University of Eastern Finland as a postdoctoral researcher in Horizon Europe project RUSTIK (Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes). My doctoral dissertation (2020) concentrated on stakeholder collaboration in regional level place marketing projects. My recent academic interests include sustainability transitions, regional and rural policy, and inter-organizational collaboration in the context of living labs. My previous work has been presented at various international conferences and published in journals, such as Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, Qualitative Market Research, Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, and Journal of Place Management and Development.


Recent publications

Rauhut, D. & Halme, J. 2025. Rural Development and Place Branding in da Silva Olivieira, E., Björner, E. & Sevin, E. (eds.) The Elgar Encyclopedia of City and Place Branding. In Press.

Halme, J., Rauhut, D., & Fritch, M, 2022. ESPON-IRiE Interregional Relations in Europe. Final report - Annex 29: Policy Options.

Halme, J. 2021. Harnessing the attractiveness of the whole region (Käyttöön koko maakunnan vetovoima). Sanomalehti Karjalainen, 16.10.2021 (Full text available)

Halme, J. 2021. The role of social capital in the institutionalization of regional place marketing activity. Place Branding and Public Diplomacy 17 (3): 249-256 (Open Access)

Halme, J. 2020. Attractiveness and competitiveness … but for who? Regional place marketing collaboration from a discursive perspective, Doctoral dissertation. University of Eastern Finland (Open access)


Added column written for the newspaper Karjalainen - October 17, 2021

Added lectio praecursoria - August 2, 2021

Website opened - July 27, 2021